Through the subwatershed study an investigation and assessment of terrestrial features was undertaken to support the community design plan. A mix of residential dwelling types will be achieved, such that single-detached and semi-detached units will not exceed 60% of the total number of units; multiple units will constitute at least 30% of the total units, and apartments must be at least 10% of the total number of units; Development will occur at increased densities, where at least 29 units per net hectare will be achieved through the development of single-detached, semi-detached and townhouses; Development should occur in a pattern that prioritizes walking, cycling and transit over the automobile to create complete, sustainable communities; A mix of residential dwelling types should be achieved; Communities should have distinctive identities, but not by creating homogeneous neighbourhoods of singular types of units. These could include any of the following: 6.4.42 Where streets are proposed with alternative ROW widths, an alternate street to provide for a greenway pathway or trail should be selected. 6.4.5 Parks provide active, public, community spaces and by their nature are areas where activities could disturb neighbouring residents. 6.4.19 Each park will include at least one sports field, a children’s play area, pathways, park furniture, and a special feature such as a community building, a water play facility, tennis court or other facility to be determined by the City. Some of the northerly portion of Barrhaven South lies within the Jock River Flood Plain, the limits of which are determined by the Rideau Valley Conservation Authority. The Developing Community will be required to meet the OP policy of 29 uph net for singles, semis and townhouses. Abandonment of East Clarke and Todd Drain. The design parameters for each of these roads will flow to a large extent from their function. Earlier plans contained in the South Urban Activity Centre Concept Design Report incorporated medium density housing located on the south side of the Jock River. Commercial centres were slower to arrive. The intent is that the land use designations for these lands will be amended to reflect the plan approved in the Community Design Plan. Safety is the key consideration; however, the design of streets – in terms of the widths, the landscaping, the relationship with buildings – are fundamental in establishing the character of a community.

7.11.5 Parkettes have not been designated on the Land Use Plan.

It identifies the preferred water, wastewater, stormwater drainage and stormwater management systems to service the Barrhaven South community. 6.7.16 Servicing and loading areas will be screened from the street and from other adjacent uses. The City recognizes the potential and unique opportunity for schools to co-locate and share facilities, such as joint use of sports fields, shared parking and entrances with each other. Development in the Plan continues to support mixed uses while removing barriers to short The road and transit network for Barrhaven South is being identified, planned and approved through the Official Plan Amendment process under Section 17 and 21 of the Planning Act in a manner that fulfills Phases 1&2 requirements of the Municipal Class Environmental Assessment (Section A.2.9) process. These common strategies can provide a sense of cohesiveness for the overall community, which will identify Barrhaven South for both residents and visitors. 4.8 ha / 1000 population for total public greenspace, and. There was also a formal presentation that gave an overview of the CDP planning process to date and outlined the evolution of the plan, including summaries of the issues that were addressed and the options that were assessed.

Within the Stonebridge development, storm, sanitary, and water infrastructure currently exists south of the Jock River.

Implement the proposed realignment of Longfields Drive north of the Jock River east of the Town Centre to the Strandherd Drive/Longfields Drive intersection.

Neighbourhood parks will be the focus of a neighbourhood and will provide opportunities for active and passive recreation for immediate residents. This new Plan presents an opportunity to align the two. This tributary was one of two that had some water and fish refugia year round. Barrhaven is one of the fastest growing areas of Ottawa. The future right-of-way of Cambrian Road between Cedarview Road and Jockvale Road should be protected for a potential four-lane arterial cross-section in a 37.5m right-of-way.

Almost every street consists of town houses with some streets having comparatively large suburban houses.

The ongoing focus of the BBIA is on long-term employment-based job growth and protecting the downtown commercial area of Barrhaven. In the spring of 2005, an upstream water control structure failed and additional quantities of water were discharged to this drain. [6] A Costco store has opened in fall of 2016, including several other retail establishments. Recommendations to improve conditions of the Jock River and some of the tributaries are discussed later in this report. With respect to permitted uses, the “Generally Permitted Uses” identified and described in Section 3.1 of the Official Plan apply to all land use categories within Barrhaven South. The extent to which this number will be reduced will be determined through the development approvals process.

The Land Use Plan is organized so as to not limit flexibility during the neighbourhood design process, while still achieving the main policies and principles of the Official Plan and Community Design Plan. Approval of erosion and sediment control is required before any works are initiated. Most of the fish captured were at the confluence with the Jock River. All new roads and widening of existing roads will include the accommodation for pedestrians and cyclists. The result is a set of plans and policies that identify how this new community, and how these lands, should develop over time. Please see the Greenspace Plan (Figure 19) for the location of these woodlots. 6.4.26 Parkettes have a role in the hierarchy of the parks network and play an important function in community building and creating pleasant, human scaled public places within neighbourhoods. In conjunction with the land use planning undertaken for this CDP, master-planning studies for road transportation, water, wastewater, storm drainage, stormwater management, and natural environment have also been undertaken for lands within the Barrhaven South study area.

Barr had originally purchased a 200-acre (0.81 km2) farm with the intent of constructing a horse racing track.

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