Ce sont juste les règles qui ont été (très bien ) traduites car il n’y a aucun texte sur le matériel si ce n’est le nom des villes qui ne change pas. Hormis les cartes, la qualité du matériel est quand à elle tout à fait banale et ne justifie en rien le prix.

Also interested in this too.

Birmingham is a bit more open and flexible. Brass has a storied history. Un jeu sorti en 2007 des mains de Martin Wallace. Compared to the original Brass 2 player variant (which is included in the game - both the variant board on the back side of the main board and the extra cards needed to make the legacy 2 player variant deck), it is tighter and more competitive. I had the fortune of getting both from the kickstarter and opened Lancashire first. Mais je m’attendais à autre chose, une modification plus ambitieuse. However I would still keep it in my collection, I think it will be fun to revisit it after my GF and I got better at Lancashire and B:B would offer a fun twist. However, since the listing of Brass became the listing for Brass Lancashire those numbers are distorted - especially when you consider the original Brass was 3-4 players and it was a community 2 player variant that became the official Brass Deluxe 2 player rules (and the board was also sold separately). Brass Birmingham n’a pas été développé par il maestro, Mr Wallace himself mais bien par 2 de ses acolytes qui ont déjà réalisé, ensemble, Super Motherload. Donc exporter en premier permet de ne pas nécessairement avoir de brasserie disponible pour l’instant et en plus comme je le disais offre un cadeau.

Hands down, this is a better four player game than the original. For Brass Birmingham, 13% of people don’t recommend it. They allowed themselves to be put in this place but that's a different discussion. .hide-if-no-js {

While I think Birmingham is the better game overall, I think Lancashire plays better at 2. Merci à Funforge d’avoir pris le risque et la peine de traduire ce magnifique jeu en Français. –          La bière ne s’exporte pas, elle s’utilise ! https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Argumentum_ad_populum. In my opinion, it significantly improves upon Lancashire's replayability, maintains player interaction well enough, and takes care of some quality-of-life bits and bobs along the way. So the initial ratings on the question were most likely very negative. (Brass Anonymes) car moi aussi, je préfère Brass Lancashire mais chut ». I own both version, however I only played Lancashire once last week with my GF. –          Dernier point les « Wild cards », elles remplacent l’action double qui permettait de placer où l’on voulait une usine. (Oh, and the fact that Brass Birmingham was "new" and lavished by Shut Up & Sit Down - while Brass Lancashire was "just a reprint with minor revisions" to an old game that got heavily panned by SU&SD... so, yeah, they hated Brass and loved Brass Birmingham, and pretty much if you watch the two videos back to back everything they hated Brass back in the day for becomes praised in Brass Birmingham). Technically it’s Brass: Lancashire that is a new edition of the original Brass, Brass: Birmingham is more like a spin-off. Mise en place: 10' - Règles: 30' - Partie: 180' - Meilleur score: 183. So until the Roxley edition came along, players would give it a "not recommended for 2 players" rating. Eventually a variant emerged which Roxley largely incorporated into their design. Bon, on n’est pas nombreux et autant que ceci reste entre nous car nous risquons le lynchage mais rassure toi SwatSh, on te le dit tout bas, nous aussi on préfère Lancashire ». Birmingham has more strategic variability game to game, due to the much larger number of different industries. The system really shines here. That's an interesting take, I sometimes use the same comparison but then it's flipped. Brass Birmingham isn't a bad game, but I just don't see how it outshines Brass Lancashire - I guess maybe because Brass Lancashire is more like Caverna while Brass Birmingham is more like Agricola; the former is more of a sandbox/open path, the other is more of a tighter defined path with artificial hurdles you must go through when executing your strategy. **Sorry if this have been asked before, I did a quick search and found some threads, but not really a lot of info to make the decision. Notifiez-moi des commentaires à venir via émail. Thanks, this is really helpful.

Oui vous l’aurez compris j’adore Lancashire et j’adore encore plus Birmingham. Sans elle pas de construction de rail par 2, du coup on construit toujours plein pot les rails mais le rush est beaucoup plus étalé dans le temps, il faut de la bière ! I slightly prefer Birmingham. I know, everyone love Brass Birmingham - but to me it is just the love child of Brass Lancashire and Age of Industry (the sequel to Brass that didn't get much fanfare despite "fixing" a lot of elements that people seemed to not like about Brass... and I will say, it just wasn't as good with the extra goods and no canal era).
Giving an opponent access to beer and rail links in the second half of the game repeatedly is a death sentence.
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So my advice? Which of the pairs to you like the most? :), I have the original Brass with the 2p board and it is great. On produit aussi de la bière, production au combien cruciale dans Birmingham (à l’époque on avait moins de risque d’être malade en buvant de la bière qu’en buvant de l’eau…).

Press J to jump to the feed. But I'm looking to try Lancashire too, I thought about getting the app to try it out. Hum ? Alors qu’ils auraient pu plus moderniser le jeu en raccourcissant sa durée et en ajoutant des éléments comme des objectifs apportant une dimension supplémentaire au jeu, ils se sont « contentés » d’ajouter une nouvelle ressource: la bière et donc des bâtiments supplémentaires utilisant cette ressource. Lancashire is very good with a couple of people that have played before. I’ve been trying to decide between the two games and I’m having a really hard time. Standard thing to do in these situations is to check boardgamegeek, which shows how the community rated a particular game for each player count.

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